

張貼人:技術服務組公告日期:2018-12-22 ╱ 瀏覽人次:1249


當糕點師傅將麵團送進烤箱,一連串的化學反應就開始了,最終將麵糰變成了餅乾。當麵糰溫度提升至33度時,奶油做為乳化劑(emulsion)的功能溶解,水分開始逸出。到62.2度時,麵糰中的蛋白質產生了化學變化,賦與麵糰紮實飽滿(solid)的口感。到達100度時,作為膨鬆劑的碳酸氫納,也就是小蘇打粉,幫助水分從麵糰中蒸發而形成餅乾中的孔洞,讓餅乾酥脆口感(flaky)154度時,梅納反應(Maillard Reactions)讓蛋白質與糖分解並且重新排列,除了賦予餅乾深褐色的光澤,一系列的風味和香味也隨之而生。

這節課程的特色是為了深化學習效果,特地在課程解說之後安排校外動手實作課程讓學生體驗,並用英文表達感受以及課程回饋。這樣的課程安排讓參與的師生驚艷不已。學生在掃描課程講義之後填答的回饋(共計31人次)讓跨領域英文專業社群有了設計課程的動機。Next time we shall dough it again 

      課程時間安排滿意度:非常滿意(extremely satisfied)93.8%,還算滿意(somewhat content)6.2%

    整體課程設計的滿意度:非常滿意(very content)100%

    社團幹部服務的滿意度:優異(extremely content)87.5%,尚可(sort of content)12.5% 


(1) This activity is actually fun and exciting and it's my first time to do it. Although at the beginning, it makes me miserable to do it, l am familiar with it quickly. I have a good time making it and enhance my relationship with my classmates. I will recommend this activity to my friends or family members.

(2) We went to Showtime cinemas to take a part in "Dough" today. It's my first time to do the dessert by myself. I thought it was hard at first, but it was unexpectedly easy, and it was really tasty. It's a memorable experience.

(3) This activity means a lot to me .It's first time that I make a cake all by myself. Hope I can attend again next semester.

(4) Today’s activity was so amazing. I made the tiramisu by myself, and I thought it was a special experience in my life, because this was the first time I made the tiramisu. To be honest, I was afraid of failing to do it, but I told myself “just do it, It’s not a big deal!”, and then I felt at ease. It was due to everyone’s help that I was able to finish my tiramisu. Thank you guys, and thank teachers too! Thanks for your hard work!

(4) Wonderful course! The pre video about caramel helps a lot in the understanding of the process. Thank you Shine your great design. The experience is unforgettable. I gained sense of achievement from making the cup cake.

(5) It is the first time I participated in this kind of event, and I thought it was a very innovative store and course.


最後修改時間:2018-12-22 PM 12:14

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